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02 March 2010

A Journal Entry: Genealogy... Do it... now!

2 Mar 2002

Genealogy... Do it... now!
About 1 1/2 years ago, I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. I have since learned that heart disease is pretty rampant on my father's side of the family. Something I would not have learned without the records of my ancestors. My father, at 81, has been such a strong inspiration and driving force for me to live and do better. He loves that I am a member of "my church" and admires what he has seen the church do for me in my life. 

This past year, time has started to take a toll on his vigor and vitality and I see him rely on others more and more for answers and direction. No longer can he remember his great-grandparent's names. Him and my mother, who passed away in 1988 of cancer, while living in Nauvoo, IL, always shared stories of their growing up years with us children. 

My oldest recently said, "genealogy is fine, but I want to hear the stories." So, now as I research and fill in the boxes I make sure that I add the stories I have heard or experienced first hand. Then, the names and dates come alive and become our family; not just a name and a date, but people that we love or learn to love. 

Genealogy! I'm Doing It! 
Paula TOMEY Allen 
My Dad's family: Tomey (IN), Whitacre (MO) 
My Mom's family: Hall (KY), Warren (KY)

Max Howry Tomey 
18 Jun 1920 - 25 Feb 2007


  1. I loved sitting and listening to Mom tell her stories over and over again.

  2. I wish they were recorded for posterity.
