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14 April 2010

Hey,Hey,Paula's Challenge for the Week April 11, 2010:

This week I would like you to start or work on a family tree of your immediate family. Start with yourself and see how many blanks you can fill in.

The following link will take you to free software you can download to make a tree on your computer.

Or, you can print off sheets here and start filling them out.

Happy tree climbing!

Return and report!


05 April 2010

Hey,Hey,Paula's Challenge for the Week April 4, 2010:

I am going to challenge myself this week to clean out one drawer.

I challenge you to do the same!

It could be a small one or a larger one. I am thinking of one of my junk drawers in the kitchen. Maybe it will multiply to more!

And, if it's salvageable, recycle! Don't pitch good stuff! Donate it!
Spring and Easter reminds me of cleansing, so it's time to do some Spring Cleaning!

Please return and report on how you met the challenge and the affect it caused!